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The Government of Uganda represented by the National Information Technology Authority-Uganda (NITA-U) has applied for financing in the amount of US$ 200 million equivalent from the World Bank/IDA toward the cost of the Uganda Digital Acceleration Project – Government Network (UDAP-GovNet), and it intends to apply part of the proceeds to payments for goods, works, non-consulting services and consulting services to be procured under this project. The project will include the following components:


  1. Component 1: Expanding Digital Connectivity in selected areas: This component will seek to bridge the digital divide by improving access to high-speed Internet in unserved and selected communities in Uganda, through a combination of infrastructure investments and policy reforms.


  1. Component 2: Enabling Digital Transformation of the Government: This component will aim to boost the efficiency and effectiveness of digital government services and create foundations for better resilience, climate adaptation and economic recovery.


  1. Component 3:  Promoting Digital Inclusion of Host Communities and Refugees: This component will improve the availability of core digital infrastructure in remote 12 RHDs for the benefit of both refugees and host communities. In addition, digital demand-side barriers will be addressed, including the affordability of mobile devices and the need for improving basic digital skills.


  1. Component 4: Project Management: This component will finance capacity for project management, including procurement; financial management; monitoring and evaluation (M&E); and environmental and social safeguards’ consultants and capacity building activities.


Procurement of the goods, works, non-consulting services and consulting services under this project include, inter alia: Goods, works, non-consulting services: (i) Extension of the National Backbone Infrastructure (NBI) to 20 major towns, updates to metro network (1,500km) and refugee hosting communities (1,000 km), (ii) Upgrade of existing Data Centre and Disaster Recovery (DR) Site Resources, (iii) Pre-purchase of International Bandwidth-27 Gbps), (iv) upgrade of Data exchange and Integration Platform to on-board more agencies, (v) Upgrade of the Metropolitan Area Network Centre, (vi) Mobile Broadband Deployment 50 Masts in Rural Areas and 80 masts for voice and data  in 12 Refugee settlements, (vii) Last-mile connectivity- 1700 Km of Fiber/alternative technologies and  Last mile Connections), (viii) Last-mile connectivity – Deployment of 828 Wi-Fi hotspots and 172 Wi-Fi hotspots, (ix) Establishment of 24 Telecentres in refugee hosting communities, (x) Establishment 3rd (Third) Data Centre, (xi) Scale up of 6 e-services in 4 priority sectors with a focus of digital inclusion and accessibility for PWDs ( Agriculture, Education, Justice and Health), (xii) Data Protection Office IT Systems for Registration, Data Protection Register, Complaints, Compliance and related functions, (xiii) Development of a National ICT Spatial Data Infrastructure Store, (xiv) Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Cyber threat intelligence platform, and (xv) Enhancement of the National CERT Forensic Laboratory with mobile forensic kits.


Consulting Services: (i) Review and Development of Cyber Laws, e-Government, Data sharing, e-Waste management Laws and Regulations, (ii) Review and Development of Infrastructure deployment, Open data, Spectrum management, e-Waste Municipal Policies and Strategies, (iii) Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA), (iv) Data Protection Office Strategic plan, Financial sustainability plan, HR plan and Implementation plan, (v) Development of a Cybersecurity Governance Structure, Work and Action Plan, (vi) Cyber audit and compliance  framework, (vii) Development of customised cyber standards & certification for SMEs, (viii) Cybersecurity risk and penetration testing capacity building for GoU, (ix) Penetration testing and audits for CNIIs and NITA-U, (x) Support for the implementation of ISO/IEC 27001 Standards for key MDAs, (xi) Implementation of nationwide digital cybersecurity awareness campaign, and (xii) Enhancement of the National CERT Forensic Laboratory with mobile forensic kits.


Procurement of contracts financed by the World Bank will be conducted through the procedures as specified in the World Bank’s Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers (November, 2020) (Procurement Regulations), and is open to all eligible firms and individuals as defined in the Procurement Regulations. The World Bank shall arrange the publication on its external website of the agreed initial procurement plan and all subsequent updates once it has provided a no objection.


Specific procurement notices for contracts subject to open international competitive procurement will be announced, as they become available, in UN Development Business online, on the World Bank’s external website and in local or regional newspapers of national circulation in the Borrower’s country.


Prequalification/Initial Selection of suppliers and contractors will not be required.

Interested eligible firms and individuals who would wish to be considered for the provision of goods, works, non-consulting services and consulting services for the above-mentioned project, or those requiring additional information, should contact the Borrower at the address below:

Manager Procurement

National Information Technology Authority-Uganda

Palm Courts, Plot 7A Rotary Avenue (Former Lugogo Bypass)

P.O. Box 33151, Kampala-Uganda, Tel: +256-417-801041/2

Email:, Website:


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