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Software Licensing

Software Licensing

The National Information Technology Authority - Uganda (NITA-U) is responsible for providing IT services to all government Ministries, Departments, and Agencies (MDAs) and Local Governments (LGs). One of the key services offered by NITA-U is Bulk Software Licensing.

  • Objective: The bulk software licensing initiative is grounded in the Fifth Strategy for Rationalization of Information Technology (IT) Services, approved by Cabinet in 2012. This strategy aims to standardize, streamline, and harmonize the acquisition, deployment, and disposal of IT services across government entities to eliminate duplication, enhance information sharing, and improve interoperability of e-government applications.

  • Current Status: NITA-U, acting on behalf of the Government of Uganda, has negotiated Global Agreements with multinational software companies. These agreements are designed to address several challenges:

    • High Government Expenditure: By moving from retail purchases to bulk licensing, there's a significant reduction in costs associated with software acquisition.

    • Management of Licenses: Poor monitoring and interpretation of license terms have historically led to inefficiencies. Bulk licensing helps in better management and compliance with license terms.

    • Software Piracy: Reducing the instances of software piracy, which can lead to legal repercussions.

    • Leverage of Open Source: Encouraging the use and exploration of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) to complement proprietary solutions.

  • Key Agreements:

    • Microsoft Business and Services Agreement (MBSA): This agreement was signed to provide bulk licensing of Microsoft Software and Applications, ensuring that government institutions benefit from premium services and software assurance.

    • Oracle Bulk Licensing: NITA-U has also signed an agreement with Oracle Corporation for the bulk licensing of Oracle Software and Systems. This agreement results in perpetual ownership of the software by the government with only an annual support fee, significantly cutting down yearly expenditure from previous levels.

  • Benefits:

    • Economies of scale leading to discounted product and support costs.

    • Harmonized pricing across government bodies for selected software products.

    • Enhanced software asset management, reducing the risk of non-compliance with license terms and potential legal issues.

  • Onboarding Process: MDAs are onboarded onto the MBSA through a structured process managed by NITA-U, ensuring smooth integration of the new licensing model into government operations.

By centralizing software licensing, NITA-U not only aims to cut costs but also to foster a more secure, compliant, and efficient IT environment across Ugandan government bodies. This initiative reflects a strategic move towards optimizing government IT resources for better service delivery and governance.


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