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Electronic Transactions Act 2011 (Act No. 8 of 2011)

This provides for the use, security, facilitation and regulation of electronic communications and transactions; encourage the use of e-Government services and provide for related matters;

  1. The Act creates a light handed regulatory regime for electronic transactions.

  2. It facilitates the development of e-commerce in Uganda by broadly removing existing legal impediments that may prevent a person from transacting electronically because of omission in the traditional laws.

  3. It makes provision for functional equivalence, thus paper transactions and electronic transactions are treated equally before the law.

  4. Establishes rules that validate and recognizes contracts formed through electronic means

  5. Sets default rules for contract formation and governance of electronic contract performance

  6. Defines the characteristics of a valid electronic writing and an original document

  7. Supports the admission of computer evidence in courts and arbitration proceedings


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