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NITA-U Annual Report 2011/2012

The Report in Brief


The Authority was created in 2009 by the National Information Technology Authority Uganda (NITA-U) ACT 2009 and operationalized in 2010 with the appointment of the Board, the appointment the interim Executive Director, and the other five Directors. The focus of the first year of operation (FY 2010/11) was largely on set up activities to ensure operationalization of the Authority. The FY 2011/12 therefore marked full operationalization of the Authority and the report of its performance constitutes the maiden Annual Report of NITA-U.


This Annual Report presents performance of NITA-U for the Financial Year 2011/12, which spans from 1st July 2011 to 30th June 2012. It is the Maiden Report for this new institution. Being the first report, it provides a background on formation and rationale of NITA-U, organization structure and the strategic direction. The report also presents an overview of trends in Information Technology and assesses the major developments in IT at regional and national landscape. Structurally, this Annual Report is split into two parts – part one contains the physical performance – that is, NITA-U s achievements against planned outputs, and part two contains the financial and budget performance.
In regard to the physical performance, the most notable achievements during the FY 2011/12 included but not limited to the following;
i. Establishment and installation of IT Infrastructure: Phase I & II of the National Backbone Infrastructure (NBI) were completed and launched on 7th October 2011.


iii. Promotion of E-Government and IT Enabled Services (ITES). Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) incubation Call Centre established as a strategy for promoting ITES and enhancing job creation among the youth. In addition, BPO incentives guidelines, BPO strategy and model were developed and/or reviewed.


iv. Framework for Development of IT Standards, laws and regulations. The framework for development, adoption and adaption of IT standards as well as their implementation and enforcement was developed in consultation with key stakeholders such as; Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS). The priority Standards were identified and the roadmap for their development and enforced. In addition, draft regulations for operationalization of cyber laws and NITA U Act 2009 were developed through a consultative process.


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